
			Dedienne Santé

Mentions légales



Le Mas des Cavaliers

217 Rue Charles Nungesser




ISO 13485 conformity established by KIWA Cermet.

CE markings issued by GMED (No. 0459 – 1 rue Gaston Boissier, 75015 Paris) and KIWA (No. 1984 – ITOSB 9. CAD. NO:15 Tepeören, Tuzla, Istanbul).

SYMBOL®, IZICUF® and SMS are registered trademarks.

Our implants are made of different materials: CoCr (ISO 5832-4 and ISO 5832-12), TA6V titanium (ISO 5832-3), stainless steel (ISO 5832-9), UHMWPE (ISO 5834-2) and ceramic (ISO 6474-2). Always refer to the instructions for use and product labels.


Our planning software is manufactured by ONE ORTHO Médical and distributed by DEDIENNE SANTE.


206 Route de Vourles

69230 Saint Genis Laval


DEDIENNE SANTE has opened this site ” http://www.dediennesante.com/ ” for the personal information of its users. Your use of the site is subject to compliance with the general conditions of access and use detailed below and with all applicable laws (“legal notices”). When you connect to the site and browse and use it, you accept the Legal Notice without reservation.



Director of the publication: DEDIENNE SANTE

Photo credits: Shutterstock – GETTY – UNPLASH

The graphic design and management of the site are carried out by the company La Sentinelle and the hosting by the company OVH.

SARL La Sentinelle – 39 rue René Fonck – 34130 Mauguio

Tel: +33 (0)9 84 06 58 97 – www.la-sentinelle.fr




217 rue Charles Nungesser


SIREN 339 138 638 – RCS: Montpellier – SAS with a capital of € 506,032

+33 (0)4 66 28 06 85

E-mail: accueil@dediennesante.com



Mr Ludovic TOLEDO




Le Mas des Cavaliers

217 rue Charles Nungesser – 34130 MAUGUIO

SIREN 339 138 638 – RCS: Montpellier – SAS with a capital of € 506,032

ISO 13485 conformity established by KIWA Cermet



The present site constitutes a work of which the company DEDIENNE SANTE is the author in the sense of articles L. 111.1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. The design and development of the site ” http://www.dediennesante.com/ ” was carried out by the company La Sentinelle.

The general structure, as well as the software, texts, animated or fixed images, sounds, know-how, drawings, graphics and any other element composing the site are the exclusive property of the company DEDIENNE SANTE.

Reproduction, on paper or on computer media, of the said site is not authorised without the agreement of the company DEDIENNE SANTE.

With the exception of the above provisions, any reproduction or representation of this site, in whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without our express authorisation, is forbidden and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L. 355-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code, punishable by two years imprisonment and a fine of 150,000 Euros.



DEDIENNE SANTE is concerned about respecting the privacy and protecting the information, whether nominative or not, of all internet users who wish to access the website ” http://www.dediennesante.com/ “.

You can consult this site without revealing your identity or giving any information about yourself. The information you provide is intended for DEDIENNE SANTE and will only be used for the purposes of the data collection.



DEDIENNE SANTE does not record any personal information allowing identification, with the exception of forms that the user is free to fill in. This information will not be used without your consent, we will only use it to send you mailings, brochures or to contact you.

The information collected on the sites is protected by the French law “Informatique et Libertés” n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978. You have the right to access, rectify, object to and delete this information on request to DEDIENNE SANTE, Service Communication – 315 rue Charles Tellier – 30000 NÎMES – France. DEDIENNE SANTE may carry out statistical analyses without these being nominative and may inform third parties (visitor evaluation organisations) in a summarised and non-nominative form.



In the interests of transparency and the protection of your rights, DEDIENNE SANTE will not obtain any information that would allow you to be personally identified unless you communicate this to us by sending us a personalised e-mail.



It is reminded to the persons who are the subject of nominative information that they have a right of access, modification, rectification and deletion of the data which concern them (article 34 of the law “Informatique et libertés” of January 6th 1978).

To exercise this right, please contact

DEDIENNE SANTE, Service Communication – 315 rue Charles Tellier – 30000 NÎMES

E-mail: accueil@dediennesante.com



We are likely to obtain information that is obtained automatically but which cannot, under any circumstances, be associated with a person. This information concerns the type of Internet browser you are using, the system of your computer and the name of the domain through which you have accessed our site.




When you visit this site, we may place cookies on your computer. A cookie does not allow us to identify you. Generally speaking, it records information relating to your computer’s browsing on our site (the pages you have consulted, the date and time of the consultation, etc.) which we can read during your subsequent visits.

In this case, it contains the browsing information that you have just provided to us.

This information has no meaning outside of its use on the www.dediennesante.com website.

You can, of course, prevent cookies from being stored by configuring your browser accordingly. You can also delete cookies individually at any time by referring to the user manual for your operating system.


Users are formally informed that the sites to which they can access via hypertext links do not belong to us. DEDIENNE SANTE declines all responsibility for the content of the information provided on these sites by the activation of the link. Any creation by a third party of a hypertext link to any of the pages or frames of the present site requires our prior agreement.



This site is governed exclusively by French domestic law and by international conventions applicable in France. The language of the legal notices is French. In the event of a dispute, the French courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

Attention: Our products are available for export subject to obtaining the approvals in force in the countries concerned.


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